The Handsome Philips Fidelio L1 | InnerFidelity 你只看到鰲拜的狂, 卻不懂拜月的傷。 誤會 前段時間, 國產動畫《大護法》熱映, 劇中主角太子, 黑長髮,濃眉毛,絡腮鬍… 不少影迷驚呼: 這莫不是我教主徐錦江? 《大護法》導演不思凡公開All of the Fidelio L1s qualities mesh well. Sound quality is not all that matters, its the entire package that matters and the L1 nailed it. If you find yourself enjoying it, its because the L1 package meshes with you. Its not an audiophile grade set and ...