Fight Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 我們講過不少奇葩的謀殺案件.. 有的情節複雜,有的情節簡單.. 不過,不論情節具體怎樣,這樣危害社會的殺人事件,對待殺手,人們還是希望法律能夠對他們進行嚴厲制裁的.. 然鵝.. 最近一些年,就在日本,卻有一些殺人犯非但沒有受到人Fight Club is a 1999 film based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk. The film was directed by David Fincher, and stars Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter. Norton plays the unnamed protagonist, an "everyman" who is disconte...