Club fighter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說~BBOX的由來。很久以前,一位刺客被雇刺殺秦始皇。他來到秦始皇面前假裝外使。突然從背后拔出刀子來。秦始皇上前博鬥並大喊:有刺客啊,捕刺客打刺客捕刺客打刺客。當然後來殺手沒有成功,BBOX也就於焉誕生了,捕刺客打刺客捕刺客打刺客捕刺客打刺客. . . . . 故事完!! A club fighter (or clubfighter) is a professional boxer who usually fights locally and has a mediocre record. Club fighters generally are not nationally recognized and have not won any fights that show the ability to win a championship. The term is often ...