中年大叔其實比妳更怕愛錯人(別矜了篇) |文 御姊愛
File Commander - File Manager/Explorer - Android Apps on ... (文/御姊愛《只是不想將就在一起》/寫樂文化) 我一向早起,那個清晨我剛烤著吐司,打算抹上巧克力榛果醬的時候,電話響了,一個中年大叔朋友打來的,「怎麼這麼早啊?」我問。 「我真的不知道該怎麼辦才好了,不然我不會打給妳。」他的聲音聽起來很焦躁。 「說來聽聽吧。」我一手繼續沖File Commander is a feature-rich, powerful file manager that allows you to handle any file on your Android device or cloud storage via a clean and intuitive interface. You can separately handle libraries of pictures, music, videos, documents, as well as r...