fill down excel shortcut

Excel keyboard shortcut to copy/fill down for all cells with non-blank adjacent cells? - Super User世界上最牛的圖(點圖看大圖喔)根本就是世紀奇觀嗎...Method 2 (alternate, but it works with no mouse interaction) Another way to accomplish this is to use a combination of the fill-down shortcut and the select all in range. After you enter the data in the cell, press Ctrl+Shift+End to select from the curren...


Fill-color keyboard shortcut - | Excel Resources | Excel Seminars | Excel Product有趣的肥皂,幾可亂真 15張(點圖看大圖喔)       Try this combination Press ALT+SHIFT+P, this is the short cut to font size Press TAB a few times to get across to the font fill icon Press arrow down - You see the colour box drop down? Now press arrow down / right Select the colour you want to fill the c...


Formatting Numbers in Excel using Shortcut Keys怕螢幕被別人偷看嗎 . Applying currency, percent, or number formatting using shortcut keys and ribbon options in Excel. Step by step instructions are included. ... Percent Formatting Overview Ensure that data being displayed in percent format is entered in decimal form - such ...
