Filter Design in Thirty Seconds - Analog, Embedded Processing, Semiconductor Company, Texas Inst王菲、張柏芝、湯唯、董潔……明星看似光鮮亮麗,但是高清鏡頭卻會暴露他們的真實皮膚狀況。 有的還是很美呢!! via:http://www.wribao.com/ent/201412/2014239510.htmlSLOA093 Filter Design in Thirty Seconds 5 • Calculate R1 and R2 = 2 2 * *C1*Frequency 1 π: _____ (pick a standard value from Appendix A). For the single supply case only: • Calculate Cin = Cout = 100 to 1000 times C1 (not critical): _____ DONE 3 High Pass...