Apple - Final Cut Pro X - Overview 卡通片裡才有的超巨型漢堡?現在能在真實世界中吃到啦!不可思議的漢堡製造者Corinne Clarkson說道自己是看了卡通頻道裡的橋段後引發的靈感。她的漢堡分為三層,中間夾有三大片厚實多汁的漢堡肉及生菜起士等等。如果你想擁有一頓白吃的午餐,歡迎來挑戰這道絕世大漢堡,當然前提是要一次全部吃完! 【本Power, speed and flexibility for video editors at every stage of the post-production workflow. And now Final Cut Pro X features stunning 3D titles. ... What’s new in Final Cut Pro X. Motion graphics set the scene in the latest release of Final Cut Pro. Cr...