Vivienne Westwood 圖紋設計摺疊帆布包款
Final Fantasy IV - Final Fantasy Wiki - Wikia 龐克教母Vivienne Westwood除了令人驚豔的服裝外,創新大膽的設計也延伸至包款系列,尤其獨特的圖紋印花,展現品牌充滿個性的龐克精神。 簡約俐落的方形托特包幾乎人人都有,但是以Vivienne Westwood本人最愛的狂野豹紋及品牌經典海盜紋加持所帶出的前衛風格,讓托特包立刻擁有鮮明獨Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy IV is the fourth game in the Final Fantasy series. Originally... ... And so, the dark knight Cecil was stripped of his command as the captain of the Red Wings. He and the master dragoon Kain head toward the dark valley for t...