Final Fantasy IV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Images Source:jushuo、elle 讓你高端大氣上檔次! 作為人生Online的玩家,我們遲早都得經歷從學生轉職出社會的過程,運氣好還能再轉職為成功人士。這時候我們就需要能夠讓自己魅力+9、品味+9的裝備啦!而手錶就是在眾多配件中,大家最常選擇或是最不可或缺的高級單品了!畢竟配戴手Final Fantasy IV offers twelve playable characters, each with a unique, unchangeable character class. During the game, the player can have a total of five, or fewer, characters in the party at any given time. The main character, Cecil Harvey, is a dark kn...