Final Fantasy VI - The Final Fantasy Wiki - 10 years of having more Final Fantasy information than C 故事前情提要:一對情侶去love hotel開房,雙方都說是第一次,可是在女主洗澡的時候男主打開電視在電視上看到了女主演的謎片!! 於是故事開始了...女主真的說的好有道理啊我竟無言以對…在整個故事中我被反覆洗腦…順便這個劇叫love hotel每個故事都很反轉 女主發Final Fantasy VI is the sixth installment in the Final Fantasy series, first released in 1994 on... ... Though some characters have special abilities similar to magic, the only characters to learn regular spells naturally are Celes and Terra, although the...