Final Fantasy VI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia可憐的主機話說有一天,強者我學姐(以下簡稱"蛙")她買了一台 超迷你 但 散熱超弱 的A牌準系統主機由於蛙學姊從來不更新 也不懂得防毒軟體為何物於是這台主機經歷了重重的歷練,到我的手上...蛙:「哎,學弟怎麼辦?我的電腦打不開耶。」我:「情況是怎樣?」蛙:「喔,前一陣子我C槽打不開,我都沒理它,結果The original North American localization and release of Final Fantasy VI by Square for the Super Nintendo featured several changes from the original Japanese version. The most obvious of these is the change of the game's title from Final Fantasy VI to Fin...