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Final Fantasy XIII - The Final Fantasy Wiki - 10 years of having more Final Fantasy information than 新英格蘭醫學雜志和每週世界新聞表示, 男人盯著女人的胸部看可以延長他們的壽命,長達數年的壽命。「只用10分鐘的凝視,看著胸部豐滿挺拔的女士,相當於30分鐘的有氧運動」文章的作者老年病學家Daren Weatherby博士說道。過去的五年中,這個由Daren Weatherby博士領導的Final Fantasy XIII is the thirteenth installment in the Final Fantasy main series, and is the... ... Combat in Final Fantasy XIII, showing Fang attacking an enemy. Main article: Command Synergy Battle The battle system, called Command Synergy Battle in-ga...