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全文閱讀 Otium Gear S Bluetooth Smart Watch WristWatch Sim insert anti-lost Call reminder Phone M一個16歲的女孩跟她母親說她已經2個月沒來了…… 母親一聽不得了趕緊去藥房買了驗孕劑來確認一下…… 結果女孩真的懷孕了! 母親又哭又罵的問到:「到底是那個渾蛋幹的好事,你給我從實招來!!」 女孩只好打了通電話…… 文This watch can also work with iPhone as a Bluetooth device(Means you can receive a call or make a call also sync your contacts to this watch via bluetooth).But Some functions like Notification Push,Remote capture,Anti-lost are currently unavailable on iOS...


iOS: A visual history | The Verge     1. 你們是不是每天就是看書看小說?不,我們每天還要向人們解釋我們都在幹什麼。2. 你們學這個有什麼用?的確是不能直接種出大米來。3. 你以後應該會去當老師吧?大家在語文課之外都沒有接觸過中文了是麼。4. 那你以後能幹什麼?選擇不多,只能幹那些機器幹不來的事兒。5. 我In what is widely regarded as his greatest presentation ever, Apple's Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world on January 9th, 2007. In the five-plus years since then, the iPhone, iPad, and... ... I've spent quite a bit of time heaping praise on iOS ...
