Finger Tips: Welcome 不知有多少人看過《斷背山》這部電影,裡面講述了兩個男人的純美愛情,看完不禁讓人潸然淚下,本來不是很支持男同性戀的人也被感動的痛哭流涕。這部影片改變了許多人的想法,從此對男同也不那麼抵觸了,甚至有些國家的法律已經允許兩個男人結婚了。 想當年看影片時,多少人驚呼裡面人物好美,但是下面我們將要看到的是中Welcome to our Finger Tips website. Here you can watch clips of the show, find instructions on how to make your own Finger Tips creations and other information about the show. You can even upload photos of things you've made to our very own gallery. Let's...