Finger Tips: Welcome韓國一名男子整整一年沒出過門,原因竟然是因為他「出不來」…!? 圖翻攝自ptt01 下同 沒事宅在家相信是很多人的放假日常,懶懶的睡到自然醒,邊看影集邊抓餅乾來吃,整天不出門直到隔天看見太陽,這麼悠閒何等舒適啊~不過…如果是待在家宅了整整一年都沒出Welcome to our Finger Tips website. Here you can watch clips of the show, find instructions on how to make your own Finger Tips creations and other information about the show. You can even upload photos of things you've made to our very own gallery. Let's...