這位 32 歲的髮型師不提供「頂上」設計,他走的「另一條路」絕對會讓你大喊:Wow!
檢視主題 - Firefox 64-bit • MozTW 討論區 相信大家對美容美髮都不太陌生,許多男生每過幾個月,甚至幾個禮拜就要上髮廊修剪一次。然而, 32 歲的 Daniel Johnson 卻走上另一條「毛髮」之路,他除了擁有高超的剪髮技巧,更以替男性剃胸毛而有名。注意,他可不是亂剃,身為名人髮型師的 Daniel JohnNew version! - It is hard to write about Firefox briefly, and in this portal there is no point in writing about it long. The main point is that the 64-bit Firefox is now operational under 64-bit Windows and is being continuously worked on... Firefox 64-bi...