挺進3秒內 580hp渦輪911 Turbo小改款現身
Firefox.ro - Firefox, Mozilla & Thunderbird news ●較小改款前增加20hp馬力 ●911 Turbo S百公里加速2.9秒 ●新增駕馭模式功能 ●國外上市日期2015/12 隨著北美車展即將於1月揭開序幕,Porsche日前也公開了小改款911 Turbo的真實面貌,並推出硬頂雙門款與敞篷兩種版本。外觀上,911 Turbo與911 CarrerFirefox 13 will bring revamped new tab and home pages Since Opera first introduced their Speed Dial page, other browser makers integrated this feature into their products in various forms. Chrome developed the idea by introducing web apps and the most vis...