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Speed Dial - Main 安東貿易代理引進的KTM除了生產優異的性能摩托車外還生產跑車,在超跑的領域中,近年來也一直以來��是全球超跑市場矚目的焦點,2008年KTM在日內瓦車展發表了一款X-BOW超輕量化跑車,當時便以輕重量790kg,極速更可達217 km/h,受到市場的青睞與關注,成為跑車界中的焦點,接續推出X-BOFirefox extension that will provide visual bookmarking, giving access to your favorite websites. ... Speed Dial allows fast access to your most visited websites. It loads in a tab, and will show thumbnail views of its assigned websites....


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