Enjoy the freshest seafood, fish ’n’ chips and hot chowder on Hobart’s historic waterfront昨晚迎來大結局的《花千骨》也迎來了一片激烈的吐槽!原因?當然是萬惡的馬桶台刪掉了多少人心心唸唸的醋吻! (圖片翻攝自toutiao) 你說你倆都調情成這樣了還差一個吻麼?!一直憋著的獅虎好容易醋性大發激吻妖神小骨這樣精彩的戲份你說刪就刪? 不過人家奏就那麼財大氣粗的刪了我們也沒辦法!精彩的吻戲也並非Fish Frenzy is famous for its delicious, daily fresh fish and chips, grilled seafood, salads and amazing hot seafood chowder. Come in and discover what the locals take for granted. The fast and friendly service is complemented by the incredible waterfront...