[Unexpected File Format] Error | Opening Flash files | Flash Professional CS5.5 | Adobe Flash Profes 1、海明威 美國作家、記者,被認為是20世紀最著名的小說家之一。第一次世界大戰期間他被授予銀製勇敢勳章;1953年,他以《老人與海》一書獲得普利策獎;1954年,他憑藉《老人與海》又奪得了諾貝爾文學獎。 “芳齡”十九。第一眼看到太震Insights, trends, news and more. ... Hi Emily , The DOMDocument.xml might have somehow got corrupted due to the unexpected crashes. Can you send the crash dump , if somehow that got saved so that we could investigate this issue?...