[重口慎入] 九個以身體為畫布的藝術創作
The 9/11 attacks inside and outside the US:Testing four models of flashbulb memory formation across 1. 擁有“蝕刻素描”皮膚的女子 這位女子的作品看起來好像“蝕刻素描”,但其實用的畫板卻是她的皮膚。這個名叫Sarah Beal在自己皮膚上作畫,然後看著它們像“蝕刻素描”一樣慢慢消失。 今年43歲的Sarah之所以能如此創作是Flashbulb memories (FBMs) are consistent recollections of specific details of the reception context of events. Four theoretical models accounting for FBM formation (Brown & Kulik, 1977; Conway et al., 1994; Er, 2003; Finkenauer et al., 1998) were...