APR or Flat Rate Loan Repayment Calculator - Calculate and compare compound and flat rates of intere有一對夫妻在馬路上開車超速,結果被交通警察攔阻下來。那男的就問:『警察先生,有什麼問題?』警察就說:『你的車超速,你開到時速75公里了,可是這條馬路只能開55公里喔!』那男的就解釋說:『警察先生,沒有那麼快啦~~~我只開到65耶!!』在一旁的老婆就說:『老公!!你明明是開到80公里啊!』老公聽到以後This calculator provides a method of comparing compound and flat rates of interest. Flat rates of interest are often used in illustrations because they appear lower than the APR but are in actual fact more expensive. For example, an APR of 7.8% represents...