決戰無人車 直擊賓士研發基地!│財訊雙週刊
Flight tracking apps - Flightradar24 - Live flight tracker!經過數十年,科幻電影裡的無人駕駛車,總算開出螢幕,走進真實世界。從傳統汽車大廠賓士、奧迪、VOLVO到科技業巨擘Google、Apple,無人駕駛車已經成為兵家必爭,當全球最有創意的高科技產業遇上汽車產業,下一場馬路革命已經來到…… 文/黃靖萱 德國.斯圖加特,凌晨三點半Flightradar24 is the best live flight tracker that shows air traffic in real time. Best coverage and cool features! ... Twitter feedback @flightradar24 It's incredible. I can track my friend's flight in real time on 3D :) Thank you for this service :) — M...