flir one

FLIR ONE Personal Thermal Imager | FLIR Systems原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 不知道萌友們有沒有發現一件事 就是有一些動漫男性角色擁有著強悍的女子力 強悍的家中內務能力或是外表跟個性就很像女生 會不會有萌友想把他們娶回家呢? 現在就來介紹在動漫圈有名的有著女子力的男角吧(๑¯∀¯๑)   第十名 龍與虎Get your superpower with the FLIR ONE! ... To balance her brother's badness, the golden child uses the power of thermal to play harder, faster, and funner-er!...


Explore FLIR ONE | FLIR ONE   《保持通話》   影視劇中出現電話號碼很常見,有一部電影《保持通話》,幾乎所有的情節都在打電話中進展。因為觀眾越來越多,所以很多影視劇中一閃而過的號碼也有人試圖撥打,以探索這個號碼背後的人究竟是誰。   如此一來,便引發了一個很有趣的話題:電影中的那些電話號碼是不FLIR ONE is lightweight, easy to connect and easy to use. Explore the world around you in ways you never thought possible, with no additional cords, cases, devices or screens necessary. Connect your FLIR ONE to your smartphone or tablet to transform it in...

全文閱讀 : FLIR ONE Thermal Imager for iPhone 5/5s : Camera & Photo ▲怎麼會有人烤雞烤到把鄰居嚇跑?!(sourse : 左 douguo,右 巴哈姆特) 一家烤肉萬家香,這句耳熟能詳的廣告詞已經流傳了許久,的確,每當聞到隔壁人家在烤肉時,都不忍流出口水想分點肉來吃。根據巴哈姆特分享,有網友po出了一組關於烤肉的趣味照片。   ▼相信香噴噴的烤FLIR ONE is a lightweight accessory that transforms your iPhone 5 or 5s into a powerful thermal infrared camera. FLIR ONE displays live thermal infrared imagery using the FLIR ONE iPhone app so you can see the world from a thermal perspective. FLIR ONE wo...


Trying Out the iPhone Infrared Camera: The FLIR One | WIRED Ford成為第一家以3D列印公司Stratasys生產的Infinite Build 3D列印機測試製造汽車零件的汽車製造商。目前正在研究如何以3D列印技術製成如汽車擾流板等大型單一汽車零組件,以供原型設計和未來量產車款使用。Stratasys的Infinite Build 系統可列印出Image: Abby Allain I finally got my hands on the FLIR One. Thanks to the excellent people at FLIR that sent me a review unit. After playing with it for a couple of days, I am very impressed. VERY impressed. For a review, I am going to interview myself. Ye...


FLIR Systems Introduces First Thermal Imager Designed for Smartphones (NASDAQ:FLIR)  拿騎行裝文藝的盲流,都只在城區里溜溜逼, 買的山地車再便宜都要上碟剎,騎個公路也要搞得自己像在環法。   他們在網上讀段窮游日記,積累下來的價值觀 就會隨時崩塌,喊出一場說走就走的旅行口號,無非又是人到三十沒活明白,還想重新玩弄青春的戲碼。     多少人FLIR Systems Introduces First Thermal Imager Designed for Smartphones World Leader in Infrared Imaging Puts Powerful Thermal Imaging Technology in Consumers' Hands With FLIR ONE WILSONVILLE, OR-- (Marketwired) -- 01/07/14-- FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: ......


Expo Notes: Give your iPhone night vision with the Flir One thermal camera | Macworld   Volvo XC60是歐洲市場最暢銷的豪華中型SUV,目前銷售額更逼近100萬輛,這台車更佔品牌銷售總額的30%,最近更新的第二代車型,還是使用雷神之槌頭燈,而直立式尾燈,目前也依然還在。除還是延續XC90、S/V90的安全科技,新XC60還增加了碰撞預警轉向輔助系統、盲點指示系統的The Flir One detects thermal heat and energy. Every tech tradeshow usually has a whole bunch of smartphone and tablet cases on display, and the 2014 edition of Macworld/iWorld is certainly no exception. But an iPhone case that’s also a thermal imaging sen...
