Precision loss in String to Float and double to float (Beginning Java forum at JavaRanch) 一縫小時候常吵著媽媽要買不二家的牛奶糖 也不是他們家牛奶糖特別好吃 是包裝上的牛奶妹實在太可愛啦~ Source: fujiya-milky.com 長大以後就比較少吃他們家的糖果 直到朋友從日本帶了這個伴手禮 Source: fujiya-milky.com  [code=java] public static void main(String args[]) { double d = 1997500.43; String s = "1997500.43"; float f = (float) d; ... Floats have a fixed number of total bits of precision, which must be shared among the integer and fractional parts. If you use mo...