[笑話] 哇~...是屎耶~^^~ 咪啾咪啾^_< y
Sophies Chic Boutique, The boutique for mommy and me! Squeaky Shoes for $14.99, soft leather baby sh大便分類關於大號的印象,大多數的人也許都讓他隨著馬桶的沖水聲而一去不復返,不過,經過仔細的比較、分析,我們每個人每天所產出的軟黃金,其實還蠻有學問的哦!我們就依其特性,先稍微將產出物做一番分類!1.幽靈屎:就是你已經感覺大出來,但在馬桶內找不到屎的那種。2.清白屎:就是你把他大出來,看見他在馬桶內,Sophie's chic boutique is your one stop boutique for squeaky shoes, leather baby shoes, newsboy hats, flower hair clips, vintage hair clips, pillowcase dresses, handbags, wallets, and more! ... Pillowcase dresses are one of the hottest new trends based on...