光看這幾點就知道 對方有沒有認真跟你交往
Fly Geyser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia說真的,在感情上,不少人不小心當了小三或小王。而且大部份小三、小王根本以為自己是正宮。現在可不是只有男人壞,很多女生也都學壞了...所以如何判別你的她/他到底是不是認真跟你交往,就來看看以下幾點吧! ▼和對方的朋友及家人有良好的關係 交往一段時間後,都沒見過家人,不覺得是件很奇怪的事嗎Fly Geyser, also known as Fly Ranch Geyser is a man-made small geothermal geyser located in Washoe County, Nevada approximately 20 miles (32 km) north of Gerlach. Fly Geyser is located near the edge of Fly Reservoir and is only about 5 feet (1.5 m) high, ...