fm 90 1

KZSU - Official Site Dcard 原文:你可以上我啊今天陪朋友逛化妝品是男店員幫我們介紹店員 你平常會上妝嗎我 不會誒我不會化妝店員 那你們誰會(想借臉)我 沒關係啊你可以上我啊然後………我朋友就狂笑…回想了一下 瞬間臉紅還Student-run radio station from Stanford University, broadcasting over the internet in RealAudio....


WABE - Official Site小弟的父親在美國工作母親在台灣照顧外婆今年過年我媽媽決定來美國一趟(我跟我爸爸都在加州) 我媽媽很理所當然的來了我跟我女友同居的公寓住一週(因為我爸爸住在矽谷那邊,我媽認為來我這住會比較方便)閃光今年十九,是一位中國湖南人我媽媽一直都知道我跟閃光同居已久有一天晚上十點十一點左右我媽媽熬了一鍋雞湯於是Public Broadcasting Atlanta (PBA) WABE 90.1 FM and PBA 30 are Atlanta's radio and TV stations for NPR News, music, the arts and PBS programming station. ... The EPA's Coal Ash Rule May Not Prevent More Spills Duke Energy pleaded guilty Thursday for ......


WFMU - Official Site --------------------------------------Dcard原文:我媽把房間租給肌肉男(文超級長)我家總共有7人爸爸+媽媽+四個姐姐+我(由此可知他們真的很想要男孩子哈哈)可是經過時間不斷的推移女兒嫁的嫁 工作的工作 念書的念書連排行最小的我都已經在外念大學一年回家的次數WFMU is an independent free form radio station broadcasting at 91.1 FM in the New York City area, at 90.1 FM in the Hudson Valley, and with a live Real Audio stream on the Web!...


WUOG - Official SiteisCar! 貴為BMW最小尺碼的1-Series近期竟出現「Sedan四門轎車」車型的側拍照,難道我們平時掛在嘴邊的那台「1系列」未來將以轎車之姿現身嗎? 據外媒worldcarfans報導,這輛車乃是1-Series未來將衍生推出的轎車車型,其外型基礎出自BMW在2015發表的Compact S26,000 watts of college radio. Based in Athens, Georgia. ... What's New Live In The Lobby Shows 8 pm. Every Tuesday and Thursday....


KZSU Stanford 90.1 FM - Listen Live ----------------------------------------靠北男友原文:我為了融入男友的生活圈,所以我學著打lol,有一天男友約我和他兄弟一起打,我殺了男友兩次,結束後,男友說因為我殺他兩次他覺得很丟臉,然後,他就,和我分手了。。。ON AIR KZSU-1 streams the program that is currently on 90.1 FM. If we have more than one sports game to bring you, this will be the away game. ... 2 KZSU-2 allows us to bring you a home game if it conflicts with an away game. When there is no conflict, KZ...


1.FM | Free Online Radio - The Music Starts Here -------------------------------------------Dcard原文:招手招來閃光我坐在北車地下街Z區的椅子上用筆電打報告那天我喉嚨不舒服戴著口罩 不能講話我看見一個小綠綠經過我前面時被一個老伯伯攔下來對她說可以借我50元坐車回家嗎那女孩僵了三秒真的從錢包準備拿錢給Free Online Radio, Listen to your favorite music genres like Chillout, Trance, Dance, 80s, 90s, 60s, dubstep, psytrance, techno and much more ... Alternative Rock X Hits Radio...
