focal sib

WELCOME TO FOCAL | Focal | Listen Beyond 一項新的研究發現,和成年人一樣,兒童從3歲起就已經傾向於通過一個人的相貌來判斷對方的性格特徵,比如誠信度和個人能力了,並且在判斷上表現出了驚人的一致性。   該研究的領導者、哈佛大學心理學科學家艾米麗·考格斯蒂爾(Emily Cogsdill)認為,這種根據他人的外貌特徵來Discover the spirit and excellence of the French brand Focal. High-fidelity loudspeakers and speaker drivers “made in France” that will accompany you everywhere you go... Enter a new universe of pleasure and emotion......


Pro audio | Focal | Listen Beyond《每日郵報》報導,美國科羅多州保守右翼牧師兼電台主持人凱文.史旺森(Kevin Swanson),他在週三的節目中警告所有的聽眾父母,2013年尾上映、創下全球四億美金票房的《冰雪奇緣》有意將純潔的孩子們都洗腦變成同性戀。     他說這部動畫是魔鬼們為了破壞這個社會健全的制度才3-way monitor SM9 This monitoring speaker establishes itself as a reference thanks to the precision of the stereo image, its capacity to reproduce each of the micro details of the audio signal, as well as unconditional respect of the original dynamics. On...


Focal Sphear in-ear Headphones Review | Audiogurus 看到這巨大的馬桶牆,就莫名的被震攝惹阿!其實這是2009年佛山陶瓷節時,由藝術家魏華創作的作品,用了上萬個馬桶和洗手台堆成的巨大瀑布牆,上萬個馬桶堆高高,感覺像是一座巨大的露天廁所,水沿著這些捐贈回收的馬桶和洗手盆傾流而下,這種感覺頗微妙阿XD 現在這座巨大馬桶瀑布已經成為永久的藝術裝置了,聽說當Focal Sphear in-ear Headphones Driver design Most in ear headphones are using drivers with a diameter of 9mm or smaller. Focal went with a 10.8mm Mylar electrodynamic transducer with 103 dB SPL sensitivity. They’ll play quite loud as a result—but you prob...


RobertoShop - Second Hand Shop 據香港《東方日報》報導,為了讓妻子度過一個難忘的結婚紀念日,英國諾福克郡一名56歲男子別出心裁想出奇招,花了三年時間,將海邊一個破爛的廁所打造成了一間擁有無敵海景的度假屋,並將它送給妻子作為結婚週年禮物,讓妻子喜出望外。   據報導,從事建築業的威蘭(Nick Willan),在2011Shunyata Diamondback c19 20a 1.8M This has the regular wall plug on one end and the 20 amp connector on the other to fit power conditioners such as the Shunyata Guardian Or ......


Dexmethylphenidate - Wikipedia 神人老爸為了幫兒子慶生,超用心幫兒子畫了一部動畫當作生日禮物! 但這部動畫竟然是大家耳熟能詳的日本動漫《七龍珠》!!! 當然不會只有畫動畫這麼簡單而已,這位老爸竟然直接把自己和兒子都融入七龍珠世界去了, 簡直太神了!!!   動畫中的老爸跟兒子... 把七龍珠的畫風跟自己的特徵結合再一起Dexmethylphenidate (trade names Focalin, Attenade; also known as d-threo-methylphenidate (D-TMP)) is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the phenethylamine and piperidine classes that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity dis...


Head-Fi Buying Guide (Over-Ear Headphones) - Community 某週六午後,小鎮的安寧忽然被一陣令人煩躁的長鳴喇叭聲打破,不過當路人氣憤地循聲找到“始作俑者”,卻都不約而同的爆笑起來,事關眼前正在按喇叭的竟然是一隻滿臉不爽的狗狗!   因為不滿主人逛街逛太久而且又不帶上自己,18個月大的拳獅犬Fern決定坐到駕駛位狂按喇叭來求 article, Head-Fi Buying Guide (Over-Ear Headphones) Also featuring... Introduction Over-Ear Headphones In-Ear ... There is also no doubt in my mind that the HD800 are the imaging champs of the dynamic headphone world. I have owned or heard ......
