focus dc

About FOCUS | FocusDC - FocusDC | Driving School Reform in the District of Columbia in Partner 火系神奇寶貝!?About FOCUS Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (FOCUS) promotes school reform in the District of Columbia in partnership with DC's public charter schools. Here from the beginning A 501(c)(3) nonprofit incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1996, FOCU...


Join the Movement | FocusDC 我想出門! 可能都會有點問題! > ... DC’s public charter schools are raising the bar for public education in the District and educating 43% of DC's public school students. ... Sign up today and get updates from FOCUS about education news reports, advocacy campaigns, policy alerts, and ev...


DC Focus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 他得了眼睛只能斜看45度的病!          DC Focus was a short-lived imprint of DC Comics. The titles published under this imprint featured super-powered characters who didn't follow the trappings and traditions of classic superhero adventures. Most titles failed to generate significant sales, fo...
