ASUS reveals FonePad Note FHD 6: 6-inch 1080p display, dual-core 1.6GHz CPU, 2GB RAM ▼後面的男人太醜了,請把他們P掉! 這些男人可都是很棒的哦~▼前面那灘水太破壞風景了!這樣就合理了XDD~▼希望在對面給我一套房子,這是我對她的承諾~親愛的快看~那是我們的家.........▼我想要畫面更銷魂一點~超銷魂的啦~給你一個大大的讚! ▼我們想要那些年的那種At its Computex 2013 showcase event, ASUS introduced the new FonePad Note FHD 6, an Android tablet with stylus support that rocks a slightly smaller form factor than the FonePad announced at MWC. On the front of the device is a 6-inch, 1080p Super IPS+ .....