font app for iphone

WhatTheFont on the App Store - iTunes - Everything you need to be entertained. - Apple人類是個奇特的生物,總是有創新想法,為了讓生活過的更舒適總是有辦法 這就造就了人類懶惰的個性,讓我們看看這些搞笑的懶人法 ↑懶得拿了用一堆吸管接一接一勞永逸(感覺接吸管的時間花很長耶?)   ↑懶得撕標籤,乾脆那地方不要吃(在台灣有貼標籤的地方都有洞洞!)  Description Identify the fonts in a photo or web graphic! Ever seen a great font in a magazine ad, poster, or on the web and wondered what font it is? Whip out your iPhone and snap a photo, and WhatTheFont will identify that font in seconds! Instant grati...


Fonts on the App Store - iTunes - Everything you need to be entertained. - Apple日本學生最近有了新的讀書玩法,就勢將椅子躺平後人在坐上去假裝讀書 沒注意看還真的沒發現怪的地方!看來日本學生上課壓力真大 ↑這張蠻初階的,還可以用粉筆槽卡住 ↑如果是有輪子的椅子應該很恐怖吧! ↑進階版連桌子都上去了!!拍拍手 (圖片轉載 http://kaigai.pby Danisaur As you may know, a lot of people downloaded this app to get fonts, HOWEVER, you get 50 free coins at the first opening of this app, but then you have to pay 100 coins for the good fonts. As an owner of a 16 GB iPhone 6, I ......


WhatTheFont Mobile: Overview « MyFonts - MyFonts: Fonts for Print, Products & Screens 好吧,這樣我真的只能看腿了...Identify the fonts in a photo or web graphic! Ever seen a great font in a magazine ad, poster, or on the web and wondered what font it is? Whip out your phone and snap a photo, and WhatTheFont Mobile will identify that font in seconds! Instant gratificati...
