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Shampoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 據英國《每日郵報》報導,近日,一位英國母親Mrs Adamo的Instagram賬號被封,原因竟是上傳了一張19個月大女兒的露點照片,這讓Mrs Adamo哭笑不得。 Mrs Adamo稱,自己僅僅是想上傳一些有意思的家庭照,也好讓孩子長大後能再網上查看自己幼時的照片,但沒想到自己的InstagrShampoo /ʃæmˈpuː/ is a hair care product that is used for cleaning hair. The goal of using shampoo is to remove the unwanted build-up without stripping out so much sebum as to make hair unmanageable....


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