Bash For Loop Array: Iterate Through Array Values 話說,這兩年VR虛擬現實技術炒得火熱,大家估計也開始慢慢了解到這種技術了。 所謂VR,其實是利用電腦模擬產生一個三維空間的虛擬世界,提供用戶關於視覺等感官的模擬,讓用戶感覺仿佛身歷其境... 隨着這種技術的推廣,一些相關的產品陸續也開始被開發並且開始了普及,例如近來比較I tried looping through a directory of approx 80 files. I looped trough them and placed them into an Array. Then I did a nested loop through the array to find duplicated (case insensitive) dir names. But this is just as slow as looping straight through th...