Ford Focus Forum, Focus ST Forum, Focus RS Forum太太發現丈夫和金髮美女躺在床上親熱,盛怒之下,拿起煙灰缸就> 想朝他們扔過去。>> “不要啊!你先聽我解釋。”丈夫求饒他說:“她不過是個在高速> 公路上搭便車的女人,我覺得她可憐,才拾回來的。”>> 太太放下煙灰缸,暫且息怒地聽他說。“當時Learn about all Ford Focus series and Ford Focus models and share ideas with other Ford Focus owners. Tons of Ford Focus, Ford Focus ZX3, Ford Focus ZX4, Ford Focus ZX5 Ford Focus ZTS and Ford Focus ST pictures, movies and articles. Ford Focus Forum ......