誤 解
Fiona Fung馮曦妤 - Forever Friend - YouTube一位小姐在折扣商店挑了一些東西,終於輪到她結帳時,才發現有一個商品上沒有標價,櫃檯用廣播向在貨架附近的店員查詢價格,整間店的人都聽得到,接下來想像一下這情況有多尷尬~「第 13 排的,查一下,特大號的 TAMPAX (衛生棉條) 多少錢?」更糟的是,在後面的某人,很顯然是誤解了,把『TAMPAX』聽I know her since I've listened her song: Proud of you. I found that her voice is sounds of nature. Enjoy it! Here are the lyrics: I believe I can love You give me your loving care I believe in what we are I don't know where I......