Mazda3 小改款 2017年9月上市
Best Friends Forever: Surviving a Breakup with Your Best Friend: Irene S. Levine: 9781590200407: Ama 近年在銷售成績表現相當優異的Mazda3,繼7月在日本推出小改款之後,台灣也決定在9月份推出2017年的小改款版本。 Mazda3 小改款包含Skyactiv-Vehicle Dynamic車輛動態管理系統,技術核心為首度用G力導引控制技術(G-Vectoting Control),Levine's first book is a formidable resource for negotiating the ending of women's friendships. The author, a journalist, psychologist and professor at NYU Medical School, affirms that the grief of ending a close friendship can be as potent as that of a d...