輕如鴻毛 Renault EOLAB Concept
Forever - Official Site ●每公升可跑100公里的省油技術●車身採用大量輕量材質達到955公斤車重●Hybrid系統由1.0升直三引擎搭配一具電動馬達組●國外上市時間 2020年 法國大廠Renault因應全球環保車盛行之風,如同預報般推出全新概念車EOLAB Concept,正因為是概念階段,其外型擁有極具創意的各種線條Finally, the peace of mind that everything is safe in one place. Forever is your one-stop shop for uploading, editing, and organizing your photos, and making sure they’re ... “Forever is different because it is permanent. I paid once up-front. Now my full...