Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit - Internal Revenue Service海賊王會飛的人物越來越多,接下來我們來看看都有哪些人 白鬍子海賊團第一隊隊長,動物系「幻獸種」果實能力者。擁有超強的再生能力,被譽為「不死鳥」,實力極為強勁,頂上戰爭和海軍大將戰成平手。 (圖片翻攝自toutiao) (圖片翻攝自toutiao) 貝爾,阿拉巴斯坦王國國王軍將領,動物系惡魔果實能力者Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit File Form 1116 to claim the foreign tax credit if you are an individual, estate, or trust, and you paid or accrued certain foreign taxes to a ... Use the Comment on Tax Forms and Publications web form to provide feedback on t...