Instructions for Form 8606 (2015) - Internal Revenue Service2015年法蘭克福車展即將在9月15號展開,而在這場歐洲兩年一度的車壇盛會展前,從車廠琳瑯滿目的展前新聞不難嗅出汽車品牌未來車款與市場規劃。Ford便在日前宣布將在法蘭克福車展推出大型SUV歐規Edge、新年式Kuga與小改款EcoSport多款SUV車型,展現看好年輕世代SUV市場的強烈企圖心。 File Form 8606 with your 2015 Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040NR by the due date, including extensions, of your return. If you are not required to file an income tax return but are required to file Form 8606, sign Form 8606 and send it to the Internal Revenue .....