FOURTEEN GOLF - The clubs for the Discerning Golfer 有些英雄的無用程度讓人哭笑不得,他們要不是能力太蠢,就是腦袋有問題,以下就是史上最沒有用的10個超級英雄 ! 松鼠女孩 松鼠女孩大概是史上最沒路用的女性英雄了吧,她的能力就跟名字一樣,可以操縱松鼠(啥小?) 這個沒用的腳色竟然還有機會加入復仇者聯盟,不過不是打擊犯罪,而是幫忙帶小孩.The brand name 'Fourteen' was created from the maximum number of clubs a golfer is allowed to have in the bag during competition. The company strives to reach and surpass its fundamental principle, 'To equip golfers with the best 14 clubs' with each and e...