fpga wiki

Field-programmable gate array - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing – hence "field-programmable". The FPGA configuration is generally specified using a hardware description language (HD...


現場可程式邏輯門陣列 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書現場可編輯邏輯閘陣列(英語:Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA),它是在PAL、GAL、CPLD等可程式邏輯裝置的基礎上進一步發展的產物。它是作為特殊應用積體電路領域中的一種半定製電路而出現的,既解決了全定製電路的不足,又克服了原有可程式邏輯裝置閘 ......


FPGA prototyping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFPGA prototyping, sometimes also referred to as FPGA-based prototyping, ASIC prototyping, or SoC prototyping, is the method to prototype SoC and ASIC design on FPGA for hardware verification and early software development. Verification methods for hardwar...


可程式邏輯裝置 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書可程式邏輯裝置(英語:Programmable Logic Device, PLD)是一種電子零件、電子組件,簡而言之也是一種積體電路、晶片。PLD晶片屬於數位型態的電路晶片,而非類比或混訊(同時具有數位電路與類比電路)晶片。 PLD與一般數位晶片不同的是:PLD內部的數位 ......


FpGa - Sasecurity Wiki 有沒有這麼懶?不知道桌上型電腦有一天掉下來會怎怎麼樣?Design flow tools for FPGA Edit Url of this page: http://bit.ly/13Zlxl FFT and other routines used for WiMax and LTE on FPGA use http://www.dilloneng.com, http://www.mentor.com and http://www.bluespec.com/ design automation tools to create low level Veril...
