STING LYRICS - Fragile - AZLyrics - Song Lyrics from A to Z時尚界對潮流向來敏銳,隨著亞洲勢力崛起,伸展台上模特兒也出現愈來愈多東方面孔,這股風潮也擴散到男裝世界,不論是品牌廣告或時裝秀,能見度都達到近年來的高峰,而這現象勢必持續火熱個好幾季。想知道正在當紅的亞洲男模有哪些嗎?我們一口氣網羅了5位來自日本、南韓和中國,不能不認識的當紅炸子雞。 PhotogrLyrics to "Fragile" song by STING: If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one Drying in the colour of the evening sun Tomorrow's r... ... If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one Drying in the colour of the evening sun Tomorrow's rain will was...