Climate - France - annual, temperature - Encyclopedia of the Nations - Information about countries o 圖片來自:http://blog.livedoor.jp/kinisoku/archives/4044237.html 呼呼!如果沒在標題上註明這一篇是《拍壞的照片》,應該會有人被首圖給嚇到吧?現在拍照都用數位相機或手機,因為不用買底片常不小心就狂照幾百張,然後裡面總是會有一些不知道在拍什麼的怪照Thank you soooooooo much! I really needed this for my french social studies home work on the climate. So far you are the only site that had the information I nedded. But I will keep looking you never know what elses I may find out. I am a sixth grader at ...