What's the best free wifi hotspot tethering app for S3? (grandfathered unlimited, no hotspot plan) - 顧客:老闆,這盤烤鴨怎麼少一條腿? 經理:哦,這鴨出了車禍,被壓斷了一條腿。 顧客:那麻煩你換一隻沒有出車禍的來吧! 經理:你也太沒有愛心了吧!不關愛殘疾人士也就罷了,怎麼能夠歧視它們呢? What's the best free wifi hotspot tethering app for S3? (grandfathered unlimited, no hotspot plan) Thanks! ... I've been using Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot Free for the past several months, for the first couple on ICS and for the past month on JB after upgradin...