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Free Wii在男人眼裡女人除了臉以外只剩三個部位:胸部,臀部跟腿部。 有的男人第一眼看胸,有的則第一眼看臀,也有人第一眼看腿。喜歡看臀的據說是三個之中最好色的,然而看也要看得有學問是吧?一起來解析臀部給你的暗示: 1.臀部大而鬆弛財運不錯,花起錢來也比較大方,不僅善解人意,而且和藹可親,因此人緣一直不錯,在感情Learn how to get a Free Nintendo Wii using a trusted and legitimate site for earning free prizes online! ... Simply put, you earn points for prizes. Points2Shop is known as a GPT site (get paid to) and is one of the older sites of its kind. These sites ar...


Wii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 戀人間的事很奇怪,有些事情莫名其妙的總是這樣,但有時卻往往很準。   忠誠定律: 妻子越是愛丈夫,丈夫對妻子越是忠; 丈夫越是愛妻子,妻子越是對丈夫不忠誠。 花錢定律: 妻子把錢花在打扮(美容、穿戴)上, 丈夫把錢花在過(煙、酒、牌……)癮上。 成熟定律: 越The Wii is a home video game console released by Nintendo on November 19, 2006. As a seventh-generation console, the Wii competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3....
