辣人妻偷吃酒保 遭伴郎活逮:「你們在幹嘛」影片2天400萬點閱
Amazon.com: Becoming A Faster Swimmer: Freestyle Swimming featuring Coach Tom Jager: Tom Jager, Bill 國外一名人妻新婚不久後就偷吃,被新郎好朋友活逮,從影片對話可知,攝影者是伴郎,還問對方:「你是酒保嗎?」對方竟回答:「是」。 不過伴郎沒多說什麼,只祝這對男女晚上愉快。 影片上傳不到兩天,已有400萬人點閱。 Races are often decided by fractions of seconds, so attention to every detail is imperative. In this DVD, Tom Jager teaches the essential details of the freestyle stroke to a young swim team. He shares many important training tips and drills that will hel...