Beyond Football | Freestyle Soccer - Football Freestyle “半幸福”婚姻的成因 哈格在大量閱讀文獻,做了超過五十人的訪談,甚至竊聽、臥底婚外情網絡社群之後,描繪出這樣“半幸福婚姻”的面貌,與可能的成因: ■ 工作與金錢可能傷害婚姻 哈格指出,當愈來愈多女性走入職場,愈來愈多男性回歸家庭,家與工作開始產生化學Welcome to Beyond Football - your home for freestyle football. We have been the go-to website for freestyle football fans and freestylers since 2003. Browse through our latest website to find the best freestyle videos. Make sure to Like the ones you love ...