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UK France | Where French and British motorcyclists join forces / Un lieu où les motocycli 娛樂圈很多明星,不管是英俊帥氣的偶像派藝人,還是實力派明星,年齡都不是秘密。正因為這樣,就出現了一些很好玩的事情,就像下面的這些例子一樣,你絕對想不到,他/她們居然是同齡,甚至有一些,相差了十幾歲可是看起來卻如姐妹花。   相貌感覺差:10歲;實際年齡差:1歲 郭德綱生日:1973年1月Where French and British motorcyclists join forces / Un lieu où les motocyclistes français et britanniques s'unissent (by UK France bikers) ... It is now official: the speed limit on the Paris “périphérique” (the ring road that encircles the French capita...


France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 網友蝶羽攸轉貼了一篇微博上的漫畫,描述色狼偷襲馬尾少女被抓個正著,正當她被問及是否要報警時... France (UK: /frɑːns/; US: i/fræns/; French: [fʁɑ̃s] ( listen)), officially the French Republic (French: République française [ʁepyblik fʁɑ̃sɛz]), is a sovereign country in Western Europe that includes several overseas regions and territories.[note 12] Met...


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