from time to time

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal From Times Reporter Over Refusal to Identify Source - NYTimes.com搭上雲霄飛車,唯一要做的,就是不斷的尖叫,在驚險刺激的雲霄飛車上也有不同的爆笑驚喜喔!有的人驚恐,有的人放聲尖叫,有些人則是不畏懼速度的大膽演起來了!這些都被業者預設好的相機給拍了下來~~看看這些人好怕又好笑的樣子吧!Mabee小編很壞心的把它分成不同的類型 如果是你 你是哪一種呢? 超級驚恐篇 這WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday turned down an appeal from James Risen, a reporter for The New York Times facing jail for refusing to identify a confidential source. The court’s one-line order gave no reasons but effectively sided with the govern...


U.S. - The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia有網友在PTT表特版PO文《強者我朋友之這護理師不科學》,該網友說這位護理師是她的朋友,身材很不錯,而且長得超正,該文一經分享,瞬間增加了很多「患者」!!小編感覺也重感冒了啦.....大家趕快一起來團報看醫生好了~~~ (欣賞歸欣賞,不要騷擾人家喔)   PPT縮圖 [點此觀看原Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, left, who tried to bomb an airplane, and Faisal Shahzad, who tried to set off a car bomb in Times Square. The attempts prompted more image gathering. Credit Reuters; U.S. Marshals Service, via Associated Press “It’s not just the...


Threat Grows From Liver Illness Tied to Obesity - 此前,178小編已經介紹過日本國民動畫「哆拉A夢」將在今年夏季進軍美國 “迪士尼XD”頻道,首次播出英文版。而片中會進行各種美國本土化處理,由迪士尼對動畫內容進行修改變動,將會刪掉暴力內容和性內容。 更根據最新的報導顯示,除了片中野比將改名為“NOBI&rdquDespite major gains in fighting hepatitis C and other chronic liver conditions, public health officials are now faced with a growing epidemic of liver disease that is tightly linked to the obesity crisis. In the past two decades, the prevalence of the dis...
