Understanding the FTP PORT Command - SecurityProNews剛回國工作的強尼,有一天上班時,聽到主管說:「我去方便一下。」強尼滿臉疑惑,轉身看著小美,小美趕緊解釋:「這句話是去上廁所的意思。」當天下班時,主管走到強尼身邊,拍拍他的肩膀說:「今晚你如果方便的話,我請你吃頓飯!」只見強尼面有難色,尷尬的回答:「我……我方便的時候沒有吃You may already know that when FTP (File Transfer Protocol) commands cross the wire, they use port 21 by default. You may also know that port 20 is assigned to FTP data. Unfortunately, most FTP data sessions do not actually use port 20. So you have just ....