Setting up Squid as your caching HTTP/FTP proxy | FreeOS, free operating systems (翻攝自Dcard) 有做過餐飲業的朋友,一定都知道餐飲業是非常辛苦的,不論是外場或是內場, 每天要面對的都是不同的客人,不同的狀況,或是遇到知名藝人光顧, 一位網友就在Dcard分享了他遇到了五月天的經過, po文中提到,原po在台北市某海鮮火鍋餐廳內場工作, 因為店裡價位比較高,所以時常都會在Lets use the most commonly available proxy server for Linux and the most stable one around, Squid. Installing and configuring it is a breeze as you'll soon find out. To make things simpler I would suggest that you get the Squid RPM from any of the downloa...